12th November 2024

Staying charged

We may be on the edge of new math skills being required for daily life. I am referring of course to those advertisements that pushed me to buy a brand new electric vehicle. The mysterious EV. The advertisements tend to quote the range of the vehicle which is an important feature. Nothing worse than running out of gas or electrons while inroute. The ability to recharge your gasoline vehicle at regular intervals with that smelly liquid made a complete change in history. Now we’re asking people to operate on good faith. You can watch the gauge in your new vehicle and when it tells you that you are about to run out of electrons you can go find a charging station. There is of course a flaw. If you look around there are very few charging stations. Even the one in your own driveway that you spend money to put in place still requires a full night to bring things back up to the point where you could head off to town without any worries. Obviously this revolution needs work. Also when you have to pay more for a vehicle that will not get you through your day you may be unwilling to spend those extra dollars. We have an hybrid in the driveway and even after several years I have no idea if that actually means something. We still buy gasoline. But I guess we’re doing our part for the environment. Obviously the real push is to get people to travel less. Use their local facilities. That store just down the road might be a lifesaver. Right now if I had to go to the city to buy my groceries and come home again there would be very little time or energy left to do anything else. Again not sure what this means long term. Perhaps industry is just waiting for the goal to put charging stations on every corner. Not free but then again we live in a capitalist society. I realize as time goes on that was a bit of planning you do not need unlimited range to get things done. Just like two centuries ago when people walked from point A to point B they made sure that those points were close to one another. Or so I believe.

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