Exposure to laicity
Oh, to have a magic wand! To zap all around me and fix the tales of woe. To grant a sense of common courtesy to so many (the guy who never stops or signals, in our neighbourhood, comes to mind). To convince the young and restless that it’s better to ‘live long and prosper”, without ever dressing in a uniform (not even one copied from an old TV series).
Every once in a while, the gang at work lapses into “happy puppy” mode, where they wag their spiritual tails and find humour in our lot. I’m the token non-programmer, but years of exposure to the culture allow me to understand the jokes. Where else could the idea of turning a table on its side to find new sense even make sense? Where else would the calculations of overtime multipliers be seen as sport? And don’t get me started on the depths of despair, when our email server gets a listing on the RBL Evidently, others in the building are confused by our chatter – the only time they visit is when they have a problem to offer .Or, in the case of one client, home baking.
Trying to get my head around the irrational need of certain politicians to sow their own seeds of discord. Yesterday, I was trapped under a TV discussion of laicity. For hours. Thankfully, Wiki has waded into the fray. I am a legal alien; the culture is not one that I obtain by right of birth, and my confusion will be my epitaph. There: two obscure musical references for those who care.