New specs and a replacement drive case
This will be a mundane post, to reflect a mundane day. Fasten your seatbelt, though. Just in case.
My eyeglasses still need two lenses, even if one is there as a windscreen. I noticed that a certain state of dizziness accompanied me throughout the day, and when I arrived at the optical shop… I was happy. My new pair of glasses were ready, at the time the lady had promised. Good stuff. As well, my day gained a bit of flash, when the delivery truck showed up at work (at the appointed time). Suddenly, clocks made sense. Enough detail.
Son #1 called me, just before suppertime, with a request. Could I go to a given address and pick up some textbooks? Sure. Now that I could see where I was going, that would be easy. About the same time, I also received a fix request for a broken external hard drive. Cool! Two errands for the price of one. Except. At the address, there was no answer. On to the flea market (not really; there are also shops in the place). The external drive case I needed was in stock, so I paid and returned to the point of origin. No texts, unfortunately. Maybe another time.
The Fluffy Duffy story continues to spiral into madness. The central character in the penny opera (allegedly) hinted that he was better suited for a ministerial role in the cabinet; free car, more money, etc. On those terms, who isn’t suited? The interesting part is that we’re finding out stuff like this. No friends like abused political ones. The “under the bus” scenario is unfolding (as it should).