Right on return? The dog does not understand
In today’s news, Hurricane Teddy passed through, in stealth mode. From where I sit, this barely kept one from kite flying. That’s a good thing, I guess.
In other news, there was a greater wind out of Ottawa, as the Throne speech was read to the rest of us by Julie P. Not every day we get a presentation from a real, genuine astronaut. And once that breeze was over, we got a blast of hot air from the CPC, who have decided that they will not support the speech. Come on! Isn’t the astronaut enough of a hook to keep you folks interested?
Sometime in the next few minutes, the prime minister is addressing the nation. Off topic from the earlier speech. He wants to let us know that we’re doing poorly at “flattening the COVID-19 curve”, and that we had better get our act together, before the next election. Or something. I’m going to wait for the point form version offered via Twitter. And let the record show: the Island is doing quite well with this whole stay home and wash your hands thing, just like the other members of the Atlantic Alliance. Perhaps the good people in Upper and Lower Canada aren’t paying attention.
Outside, our local fox stopped by, to remind the dog that he shares the property. The dog, in response, did his usual trick where he wrapped his lead around the bird feeder pole. Don’t think he’ll ever master the “right on return” model that has kept boaters alive for centuries. We know that he’s in trouble, because he has dedicated one of his bark-tones to the situation.