Prophylaxis for the masses
There it is. The announcement I’ve been waiting for; flu shots are finally available at the pharmacy. I say “finally”, even though this seems to be one of the earliest dates, ever. You see, what with all the other stuff going on, I’d prefer to have that little bit of extra protection, going into the next few months. Guess this proves my vaxxer-status is real.
I have a hard time understanding the reluctance of others. My first bit of needlework goes back more than a half century, and I believe that the idea of preventing nasty illness is, perhaps, the greatest feat of the medical world. Very few of us will ever get our heart swapped out, as an example. But avoiding things that used to be common (think smallpox, and polio) prove that pharmaceutical prevention is gold. I haven’t had the flu in many years, and it coincides with my decision to get into line for a quick jab in the upper arm. Why, when I was too young for automatic access, I told a “white lie”. I could have been someone with a chronic illness; even if I wasn’t able to say exactly what. Cautious; that’s what I had/have.
Do the same people that eschew science, on a personal basis, also refuse to get their dogs vaccinated against rabies? Not what I want to hear. And what about the children? When schools require that students provide proof of immunity, it’s for the common good. In passing, we need a vaccine against COVID-19. Things are not going well in the public schools, right now.