Under cover of darkness
It is very dark outside. I haven’t turned on the lights, because there are people about. At least, I hope they’re people. A car came in the yard, earlier, stopped, waited, left again. No lights; works every time.
There’s no candy available, as we handled our contribution to the nutritional imbalance by sending someone over to the rec centre. In costume. I’ve seen pictures, and it seems to be part of the tradition. Candy. Costumes. Whoops! I really should check the calendar more closely. I know, it says this is November, but that seems premature. Could there be an error in the accounting procedures?
By tomorrow, there’ll be something else to distract us. Snow? I hope not, given that the winter tires aren’t “installed” yet.
Had it in mind that I should stop by the pharmacy to get my drops refilled, until I did a count of boxes in bags in a drawer and realized that all is good, for another few weeks. I was so ready to drive on down to town. Maybe tomorrow, I’ll find a reason to sally forth. Are there sales after the fact for those tiny chocolate bars that have been on display this last while? Imagine scoring (another) carton of Mars barlettes.
Keep an eye on the neighbours. Now that the World Series is over, the politicians are back to verbal battles. Something to do with destitution of the king. Is beheading still a thing, or did that go the way of early Shakespearian tragedy? To be sure, the noise level is going to rise between now and the onset of really cold weather.