Our local beach movie
My next move: read some basic antenna theory. Today, I received a small package containing some ferrite coils. As well, a larger package containing a kit, to construct and experiment with mag loop antennas. I will have to find some hardware to actually get busy, but that’s just a matter of choices from Amazon. This should begin as soon as the summer rush ends.
We watched some videos on RV construction, and fell down the rabbit hole of trying to learn about battery upgrades. Going from AGM to LiFePo4 seems like a great idea, if I ever get rich and find an electrical engineer that does work on the side. Realistically, I’ll have something to study over the next winter season, when I get my antenna done. Boondocking isn’t necessary, short term. With our nifty 30A plug on the end of the house, the RV can remain powered on a regular basis. And one video mentioned a switch that cuts the battery drain… must learn more about that feature, for sure.
Because we could, we put the laptop screen up on the big TV. Watched Pogey Beach from tip to tail, trying to avoid the larger plot holes. Anne of Green Gables, make room for some more homegrown cinema. A lot of familiar names in the credits, but that might be because I’m here. Not sure there would be as much recognition in the big city. If the kids are caught by some nasty weather, I’ll try and introduce them to the “Island Way”.
Some rain, last night. That’s rare; the farmers are fretting about the drought locally.