No need for curtains
Today is the sort of day where curtains are superfluous. Due to the blowing snow, there’s no chance of anyone seeing what lies beyond the window frames, in either direction. As well, the lane had to be cleared; the second time in twenty-four hours. Could this be an indication of a long winter?
Today was a great opportunity for the tests of a new winter coat. I took pictures, and then stayed (safely) inside as moral support.
Meanwhile, the wind seems to be circling the house. Just like in a children’s tale, rattling the windows and doors, to see if there is any chance of coming inside. In the time of my grandparents, it would have meant burning additional wood while hoping that the seasonal needs had been properly calculated. Heading off in mid-winter with an axe, trying to find something dry enough to burn after the trip home – not much pleasure. My choice to go with our water furnace makes more sense than I’d realized, back in the planning period.
Across the continent, big shopping period. OK, not for us, what with the weather, but we dreamed, collectively. So many things, just a mouse click or phone call away. And it apparently continues, right through Monday. Severe temptations. At least we have football, on Saturday and Sunday, to distract.
There is such a thing as bad press. In ON, after some ill-conceived cuts to services in the minority community, the premier has been forced to backtrack. Even if the next election can seem far off, memories are long.