2nd August 2023

My unshared illusions

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I have illusions. Not of the fun kind where I believe I’m a movie star or an astronaut or something else that would be historic. Rather my illusions are optical. That means I can see them even if you can’t. Things started a few years ago. I would notice that when the car came to a halt the ground on both sides will continue to move. No I was not the driver so you can feel safe again. And it was inconsistent. Grass worked well where is trees did not. But let me continue. I have a new illusion. Now there is a grid in front of my view. Sort of like a wire fence with rectangles. And I have no idea what sets it off or where it goes when it goes away. I just know that nobody else can see it so it’s my personal version of optical hell. I wonder do animals go through this? Dogs do they see biscuits? I probably will never know. Last night there was a Big Blue dot on the ceiling. If I blink it would go away and then come back. If i kept my eyes closed it would reappear.

Show me the fun part of illusions is that they do not cost anything. I do not have to travel to get better once although that might be a possibility. They’re just part of my day intermittently. The Big Blue dot is a new one perhaps it will be something more interesting in future.

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