1st August 2023

How I study history

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I need to be more methodical in my study of history. There’s a lot of history from before me obviously there will be more after according to the rules and so I do like someone at a buffet a sample. On today’s offering a look at a peace conference as in here have a piece of the world. This was the conference in Yalta. I still need a map to find it but I think it’s north of mainland Europe. At the conference three important people. At least self important people. Those who had gone to war and now wanted the spoils. I will not call them friends. A better term would be comrades in arms. And at that point since the hostilities were over they wanted their part of the big pie. Which countries would be theirs. Obviously they think bigger than do I. When I go to a buffet I’m more worried about whether or not the chicken wings will be hot and if the salads will be good. It also must be remembered that winning in war does not guarantee you a long life. In the case of this conference one of the three would be dead within the year. Another would be deposed from power. The third would have a very black name in the history books. Seems that he was cruel to others. I live in a very benevolent benevolent country and our leaders rarely do anything that requires us to be fearful. Why just today they sent me a check for money that I did not spend. More beneficial than that and I’m at a loss. Is this a good way to learn history? Obviously not. Think of it more as the comic book version where everything is in garish colours the print is large and the storyline is minimal. That’s how most of us get our history.

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