3rd August 2023

Support your local table

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I’m sitting here trying to imagine my life if I owned a small restaurant. I do not and will not but imagining cost little. Unlike owning a real restaurant. In my dream there will be a steady stream of clients each day coming to enjoy my table and leave all their money behind. This would go on until I tired of the chore and I will be happily rich. I do not think that’s how it happens in real life. I would like to say that we take the time to frequent our local restaurants. We do, at least once per season. Not making people rich that way. This afternoon we all went for lunch at the closest establishment. Great seats outside with lots of sunlight A gentle breeze and the sound of the sea. We had two dogs in our camp company and they too were satisfied despite the fact that we were not allowed to give them any treats at the table. There was even a sign to that effect which means that others must have tried it before us. When we were done all of us returned home content with our meal. I cannot imagine what it must be like for a restaurant owner to face the good times and bad times. To face those days when almost no one comes through the door. Except for the bills. The days when things burn to the bottom of the pan and you must start over. Just like in real life. Not everyone owns a restaurant as large as the local champ burger chain. Many restaurants are owned by people dedicated to their cause with several tables and the mission to make sure their meals are good meals. We are fortunate that our local restaurant does this willingly. The food is always good and there are usually lines waiting to get inside. The best way to run your restaurant. As I mentioned, today we sat outside. Nothing fancy except for chairs that would be proper on anybody’s deck. But the food was good and heart and we enjoyed the moments when the owner would stop by to make sure that all was well. In my case this is a distant family member. I have to dig deep into my memories to make the connections to my father. But, we were there because we want the restaurant to be a success. We want to be able to return next year and the year after. Such things are not guaranteed for those who decide to get into the business. Actually I never dreamed of owning a restaurant. I think I knew from the get go just how difficult it could be. My own success story was that I managed to eat at the local cafeteria day after day year after year willing to do it again the next day. That, two is a sign of a successful eating establishment.

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