1st July 2023

My school bus summers

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Come, take a wander down memory lane. Today marks thirty-five years since I last started a simmer school, as an administrator. There are still a lot of  memories from that  period.

I spent more than a decade involved in the residence side of  life. That is, I provided the anchor for a lot of  young  visitors to the province, and tried to keep them from having fin. Not literally, but I cannot deny that I was the one that killed late night fiesta. With  diplomacy, but when I came to the door, it was time to  consider  how  necessary sleep would be inf you had to spend the next day as a student.

Of course, I also instigated most activities. The guy with the  mandate to call a beach bus, or set up a four hour dance using my library of songs.  A little dull, but when you are captive in a student residence, any  time can be a good time.

Think about it.  One hundred and fifty  youths,  there to learn all the things their families had  forbidden. I wonder if any look back with a wistful sense.

Now, I  do not  provide parties. For anyone. But the skill set  is just slumbering. We are in to another summer. Today is a holiday, with burgers and fireworks. And I have no role in the  show. They could call me, because I know a lot of ways to keep folks amused on a ninety minute bus trip.

As an aside, school bus seats are not designed for comfort.

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