2nd July 2023

The distant sound of colourful white

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Perhaps I should figure out how to turn on the FM radio. Get the news.

Looking at whether or not we need a newer Apple TV. I mean, technology evolves, and Apple needs my dollars.  We have time to do some directed shopping.

Last night, I could hear the sound of distant gunfire. Or fireworks. Not always sure, so I will wait for an update on the radio. If I figure out how to turn it on.

Last night, we had visitors. One of them, a rabbit must have been a ninja, because I did not see, or hear, or smell the wee beastie. I am going by reports from others.

If you do not  get into the back of the sound gear, often, you will forget  important details. We have a full console,  made from individual  components. If you ask me how to, for example, turn off the disc player, I will have no answer. Other than disconnecting it from the power cord. Not sure that the company intended that to be an integral feature.

Waiting for the rain to start. We have the warning, and not a cloud in the sky. But, I believe the weather bureau. Warning without  evidence  is rare. I will close a few windows and  keep my rain coat  nearby. Or perhaps not go outside until the sun returns. Choices.

Around here the weather changes very quickly. This could be an all night thing. At least the lawn loos good. Apparently there are chipmunks hiding in the taller grass. I can hear them.

This entry was posted on Sunday, July 2nd, 2023 at 20:12 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 253 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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