3rd November 2024

With the lights

Currently one of the important political slogans is that we’re not going back. I can assure you that we are not and this has nothing to do with politics. I have lived through the pre electricity era and I have lived through the pre easy heat your home era and I am not going back to either of those someone said why don’t you put up solar panels to light your house? The answer is simple there are more efficient ways. It turns out that central electricity beats all the other old ways hollow. I say that because I have been there. I have watched the trimming of the Wicks before the oil lamp went into service after supper. I have watched the slabs of wood come in from outside to heat the single stove in the house. I have lived in a home where electrical appliances were only a dream. I am not going back. I know more about alternative technologies and if I was pushed I could probably get the lights on using stuff I have around the house but the lighting would be limited and it would be dim. I think I would simply go to bed early. As for transportation I am not ready to walk from here to the store more than once a year. That would make for some hungry supper times, believe me. The conveniences of lights and transportation in a car mean that what we do now is for our own good and at a price we can afford. I have never owned a horse but I know that they’re more trouble than they’re worth. Cantankerous beasts with big feet. As for chopping down trees to heat my home I have learned from my ancestors in every case when something else came along they put the axe in the corner and carried on as if it had never existed. You see we do learn. And we do change things for the better.

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