7th July 2024

Closest friends

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If ever I decide to write a book for children, I have the stairs of my story. I open my front door and three young foxes ran to take places just below the step, where they could watch for me and see what would happen next. Even a bit of barking to remind that they are alive and well and there for whatever comes along probably dog biscuits because that’s all I have to offer. I never had anything like this my lived in town. The best we ever managed was a lonely porcupine who wandered around like a lost soul but here, I have friends. No I have not given them names. I’m saving that for the book and they do look a lot alike probably from the same litter. Our young foxes never seem to come with their parents by the time they make it to my front door. They are already halfway to adulthood and I wonder, did their mother tell them not to bark at strangers. I should take more pictures but they look the same from year to year. I do have one preferred photo when I had a group of them doing gymnastics on top of a huge hay bale. I mean I know they were looking for mice but it seemed so natural. Yes I really should write a book and confer characters to the faces. It worked for other famous people like Disney. I’m sure I could give you a tale that will remind you that their tails are not available. We are more civilized now and they do bark almost like a dog does. Am I trying to tame them? No to be fair, small dog biscuits are not the right tool for the job. I just offer enough reward for them to keep running over to see if I am still their closest friend and neighbour and yes, they’re mainly red. A wonderful colour of red and they are just small enough for me to make them into imaginary characters for that book that I still have to write.

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