29th May 2023

Flame beater tales

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Wildfire season is underway. We are running several weeks behind the West, but we are no less cautious. This evening, all  burning permits are repealed, and over in Nova Scotia, there are  areas under evaluation orders in the capital. Serious stuff.

Time for a historical anecdote.  About six decades back,  was living in NB, and they have had burning grass for pretty much always. With the associated risks, for people that lived in wooden homes.  In our small town, the fire department had a system that  involved the public. The youth, especially. When a  grass fire was discovered, the alarm would sound, and a horn on the fire hall would sound a number, for the section under  attack. They would send an old truck,  loaded with dozens of brooms, and the lads would show up. If you were bigger than the broom, you were good to go. Yes, I made the cut.

Now, you cannot involved the enthusiastic, due to liability insurance, but in my day we were free to beat a path through the flames. Eventually, an all clear would be given, and the brooms would go back in the back of the truck.

Seasonal fun. Late afternoons, for the main part. We  learned to give back to the community, and I do not believe that we lost a single child.

Given the theme, flames, I would remind you to check your smoke alarms. No need to burn you supper, as there are simpler tests available. But, do test. Just in case a wildfire heads your way.

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