15th July 2024

Crushing as I go

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About once a month I developed a passion. I have this overpowering need to crush cardboard. I checked and it seems to match the date that the bin truck is going to pass to collect my recyclables. We are part of the new economy which means that pretty much any parcel that arrives comes with its own shipping box and you cannot keep them around for long. No house has that much space. And so I find my tools and I head out for an hour or so a very satisfying fold spindle and mutilate. If we lived back in the days when you went to the store to get things you would just bring your new purchases home but we don’t do commerce that way anymore. We depend upon vans that come in and drop packages and leave. And then it is up to us to do the rest. I have become methodical. There are rarely any boxes leftover at the end of my passion. Frenzied passion. I mean this is a renewable resource. If I need to send someone or something off to another address I can find what I need out in the garage. At least till the bin truck is passed. I have found ways to keep them folded? There is a more obvious solution. We could purchase less. We could try to stretch out how long we keep certain things alive if you will but there’s a certain pleasure that comes from unwrapping the latest parcel. Did I receive what I wanted. Do I have to navigate the field of fire involved in doing returns? On the whole we do well.

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