28th May 2023

Stealth mode

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Some geography, to set the scene. I live close to The Point. Where roads end and the ocean takes over. Nice scenery. Draws a stream of tourist traffic all summer long.

The cars, the trucks, the ocean going liners, the aircraft headed for the Old World. All good.  They come and they go, and unless I sit and watch, I would never know. But there is another class of vehicles that do demand my attention. Bikes. Not pedal bikes. Bikers. The ones with  a ride that is meant to impress them and their friends.

i do not understand.  So much exhaust from what is really a tiny engine.  Now, I have read the comments from bikers, and they proclaim, loudly, that without all the noise, they would be invisible to cars. I have to wonder if that is actually the point.

You can direct sound. It is a scientific thing. And if all of your noise is directed  to your rear, which means that it will only be heard by those behind you… how does that make it safer? Would it not be  better to have a beeping aimed ahead, so that the biker would be as annoyed as the drivers in their cars? I am going out on a limb here, and I will put forth that all of the vroom has nothing to do with safety and everything to do with a need to bother others.

Please, get a better muffler. Get some flashing lights (not red or blue). Let the rest of us on the road know that you are coming. But for people in their homes, try for a little bit of stealth. Please.Try, a little harder, to be less trying. 

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