27th May 2023

Pearl of rare quality

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Over the course of my general education, I had a number of teachers. Several dozen, when you include the various specialists.  The quality and the quantity are not to be confused.

You see, I can remember most of them. And a few were much better than the rest. Not their fault. I might have been more receptive at certain moments.

I do wonder if getting a great teacher is just the luck of the draw. Do all of us have some will not bore you with anecdotes. Good teacher rise above moments, and move into the model of most days being good days.

And so, what brings me to this moment of introspection. Well, today I came across a chat involving some of my own children. They have learned that one of their former teachers has  passed away, and they  words were kind. That might be due to their own advancing age, but I hope that it is a reflection of a quality teacher, in their past. 

And perhaps in a greater sense, I am glad that they also had  a moment with a great teacher. We hope, for our children, but there is not assurance when you go into a classroom and take your assigned seat.

And in keeping with a passage from an inspirational poster, I am glad that the universe is unfolding as it should.

What was it like for those of an earlier time? When you could go through school with a very limited number of teachers. Was having a best teacher precluded? I now want to know. Might have to interview widely, for this one.

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