22nd May 2023

Build a temporary hill.

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Getting your life back onto level ground can be important. At least, for those in a  RV.  If you cannot find a hill, you can make one, using small plastic blocks. Or so I have been told. We cannot, right now, because our collection is missing. But there are many ways to buy more, and so we shall. Which should also lead to the original set reappearing. It is not a rule, but I know about such things.

We could, I suppose, carry some beach stones with us. That’s heavy, and hard to explain when someone asks about the monument you are building.

In other worlds, we are downloading a lot of photos from the cloud, via satellite. We feel very modern. I will not get into the reasons for such activity, but the disk works in temporary mode,  out on the  sun deck. The required mount for a pole is coming, and I have thought this all through. Should not require much effort, or much time. And the  antenna can be detached and  added to any travel plans. A bonus.

Still seeking a name for the new RV. I am hopeless about such tings. Did my best device naming, a lifetime ago, with my first real computer .Haven’t been able to match that achievement.

Heard from family friends, living in Alberta. The wildfires are coming, and the call to move along  has been given. And then halted, as the rain has started to fall. I figure that this is going to be a long summer for all those involved.

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