21st May 2023

Bunk trials

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Please be gentle with me. I am evolving..

I am a camper. Been doing it longer than many of you have been alive. I once racked up thirty plus nights under rip-stop nylon, complete with rips. Tried the rain, and the snow, and the hell of insects on a hot summer night. Survived it all. And with time and money I moved to what some call glamping. In a camper, with a real mattress.

The second iteration of a rig is in the driveway, and so last night and today I slept in my mummy bag. Comfortable, with a  background soundtrack of falling rain. A dog that was bewildered by the whole thing. I told him he should have gone for more than some kibble.

And what did I know. Having Internet service, in the rig is a big plus, because I can watch videos and learn when I should be sleeping. The heater is a good choice, as the temperature is still  under ordinary room temperature levels. That will change. I  hoped to wake up in a new place, but this is still a field test. Driveway test.  If I sit up too fast, I can hit my head on a storage locker.  I am best to put my shoes in a predetermined location, to avoid searching in the dark. And I am happy.

If you ave not discovered the joy of camping, get out there.  Go for a nylon tent, and upgrade as your means allow. If you stay home, waiting for the best possible moment, you will  have to settle for blog entries, from others. Be proactive.

Am I going back out, tonight? Maybe. The season is just beginning, and I want the dog to take this as his own time to shine.  No wandering around the house, after midnight, seeking treats. Sleep.

This is still May, and elsewhere the boaters are busy practicing their hitch knots. I do not need to tie up for the night. I do not need to pay for wharf space, unless I want to.

This entry was posted on Sunday, May 21st, 2023 at 20:11 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 337 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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