23rd May 2023

Musk is more than an odor

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Two, under the  umbrella. We received the Starlink  box, last week. And then we say, wondering and hoping. Is this the answer to  our decade long search for better bandwidth?

For starters, the company does not have a Swiss army knife solution. You need to pick and choose the components your want from a menu, and for the neophyte, the obvious answer is anything but. And so we await the arrival of the delivery van. Last week, the big box. Today, the Ethernet adapter. Soon, we will have the required pole mount, and a longer cable. And then we get to build the better path to data.

Today, we also tried some simple tests. Bridging the data feed through a hotspot. Connecting multiple devices to the WiFi. All good. All fast.

Still too early to make a conclusion. I do have a hunch, though. Elon may actually get to Mars, at which point I hope he will claim squatters rights, and give the place an updated name. After all,  he is a very capable young man, and  what he has offered the rest of us, to date, works. Not a given.

Imagine if he then did a merger with, for example, Apple.  Sweet dreams are made of less than this.

Let’s not forget that he has a cool auto, and a bunch of other credits to his  resume.

Somehow, I am willing to wager that things will get better fro the rest of us. Fast cars, fast web, a rocket that can be reused. And that’s already in the bag. Wait until he fixes air travel, and cheap cellphone service.

 And interesting decade, so far.

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