Furniture up
Outdoor furniture, we wanted something that would last for more than a couple of seasons. No more of that fake meta junk from the local hardware store. We waited, and when the time was right, we made a choice. Heavy.
No desire to chase chairs down the field, if the wind was blowing, and the rain had to be just a detail. We waited, and we go what we wanted years ago. But twice a year, we deal with the disadvantage of snow. Heavy snow. That means moving the furniture off the deck, and down the hill. Note that detail. Twice. I was taught how to calculate work in physics class, but this goes one step more. A load, carried down a hill, is perceived as easier than the return trip, but the load remains the same. Right now, I am trying to convince myself that it is time to put the furniture on the deck, in preparation for summer. We still have about ten weeks before anyone comes by, but time gets away it one. Call it ten weeks plus a mad sprint.
I could do things, one piece at a time. I might. The feeling of satisfaction when the job is done comes with its own reward. Endorphins. And so I am visualizing the job, beforehand. Preparing myself, mentally.
My science teacher did his best to explain the variance in the equations, but he forgot one detail. Each year, I am that much older, and I do not have the required fudge factor. He was young, and had not thought this through, obviously.