This is one of my stubborn days, I guess. I should already be in bed, but the post won’t write itself, so I am here in near darkness, muttering about a half backlit keyboard and depending on my upping skills to get something coherent on the screen.
I did get some things done since sunrise. The blue bags made it curbside in time for the monthly bin sweep. I had a leisurely visit with an old friend. Older than me, so that’s one way to mark the who and the when. We have know each other for most of my adult life. And we still find things to talk about. All good, from my point of view.
I was about to get through the afternoon without a nap. Not as easy as it sounds. The eyes. Always my Achilles heel.
But, despite that, I muddle through. The language exercises can take longer than I would like, if I cannot read the screen. A curse on any programmer that thinks changing the text colour makes any sense.
We did receive the slate of candidates for the provincial elections. I feel reassured when I actually recognize some the the names for good reasons. It is true, not every politician is a criminal, but the odds are higher than in the general population.
On that note, I don’t have much to add. Happy Equinox, to those who keep track of such things. The return of the sun, each day, is one of the best details I have concerning nature. Not sure I could handle life in a cave. To house in my close circle, I do not hide indoors all the time.