17th January 2025

Like a  Robot

Have you ever watched a robot prepare food? Some years ago I sat and took the time to observe a machine making doughnuts. None of those frozen ones that are offered up by national coffee chain. I hesitate to refer to those as donuts. Rather a way to market sugar. However I was in a small food court years ago and there was a machine that was working magic donuts. Seemingly unlimited in number and the process was rather simple; a machine would squirt batter into a bath of very hot oil. Gravity did all the rest. Turns out that donuts are a format that goes well with the machine. Squirt wait and pick up the wonderful product. I’m not even sure that they bothered to put sugar on them. These were going out the door as quickly as they could cool. A long line of clients. And all I could think was is this how real life works. I had watched my father make donuts in small quantities at home. In an electric frying pan. They were good but they were few in number. This machine had that part all beat. I must go back, the next time I’m in the city and see if the machine has stood the test of time. I can only wonder about how many small pastries you could make in that amount of time. If they’re still at it maybe I can get some for me. A brown paper bag full please. Just like the good old days. Yes, I know that machines are common in the food production business. But this was right there in front of me almost within reach. I could figure out all the steps in the process and that’s really what it is all about. This was a showpiece to attract the customers and it worked.. Tirelessly. Like a real robot.

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16th January 2025

Not being a dodo 

 Many years ago, on canadian television we had programming aimed at children. Fun programs with fun music. One song that has stuck with me, so long ago, had a simple line. « Never be a dodo ». The programming was meant to teach children to avoid careless or dangerous behaviour. Things like jumping on your bed. I want to dedicate that song to the person in Los Angeles who had an unfortunate incident with his personal drone. He ran into a water bomber. Now keep in mind that the bomber is large and very yellow. The drone not so much. And now the authorities want to find the owner because the water bomber has been grounded at a time when it is most needed. Due to the behaviour of someone who is a dodo. I do not own a drone but I realize that flying it into the path of a large airplane is not the smartest thing you can do. Also if your drone happens to damage that large yellow airplane and involves a foreign government you may have to rethink your career as a pilot. Yes I know. The drone really was in the wrong place at the wrong time but some people failed to think things through. I imagine that when the authorities finally discover the name of the owner, that person will become infamous. And probably earn the title of dodo. In passing you can find recordings of this song from a prominent Canadian rock band. We have had a few of those along the way. Rarely does a song so fit a situation. Be it, jumping on your bed or running your personal aircraft into a water bomber could be the things our parents would not want us to do.

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15th January 2025

Extinguishing wildfires

 Given the distance family members and the opportunity to interface with other I have to depend upon sending recommendations of good things to watch. With that, yesterday I sent a link to an interview between a noted late night host and the potential national politician. One of ours if you will. I do not do this often and I got back a thank you note which also pointed out that I was one of more than 10 to forward that same link. In other terms the material resonated. What does that mean for the upcoming changes in governance nationally. I do not do hats or bumper stickers but I will tell others when I learn of material that might cause them to think about a situation. Choosing our politicians is one of those moments. I am also pleased about the affirmation that my take on the situation is not that rare. Most of us are more politically aware and astute then we realize. On other things of interest, I watched a video about putting out wildfires with sea water. Anyone who has studied history will remember the rumor that the Romans salted the fields of their enemy. It turns out that pouring salt water on those fields is not the same thing. Dumping salt water on large fires has been going on for years. Those oversized airplanes that scoop water from the ocean and then release it is real. And the only caveat is to wash the plain afterwards with fresh water. Like you would do with your own car here in Canada after the winter. Not that serious. And for the record we have a lot of salt water around. More than enough to extinguish the occasional wildfire. Not my job but I do like to be up to date on the possibilities. This has nothing to do with irrigation of your crops. Please do not confuse the two possibilities. Your fields of food do not need you to dump the ocean on top. Continue to use fresh water just like before. This is for emergency use and you will know when the emergency is at hand. I did mention wildfires.

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14th January 2025

Job interviews 

My own experience with HR is limited both as an employee and an employer. However I am at least passingly familiar with the process. That is your name is put forward for a position and they look at your credentials and they decide whether or not to interview you and then. In the case of the United States government they will go so far as to hold public hearings about your candidature. And with the incoming administration people are wondering what is actually happening. In the last week three of the top candidates we’re told that they would not be going through the hearings. At least not right away. The calendar said that they would happen but then the calendar was changed. So what does this tell the rest of us? Well one division is that things are confused right now. There are people who do not know how to do their job or what their job should be. Therefore they make it up as they go. Is this a problem for a large nation? Only if you believe that the administration is important. If you have a nation where one man holds all of the power there is no need to worry about the staff below him. Those posts are irrelevant. Now I am not going to say that we do a better job up here in Canada but at least we tried to keep the confusion vector to a minimum. If only I had a time machine so that I could fast forward this movie to his conclusion. I want to know how it is going to turn out without having to spend the time. And remember this whole thing applies to both them and us. We like to believe that we elect people so that they can represent us. Not to rule over us. That page has been lost in the script. Please look under your desk to see if you can find the missing words. We would like to get this show back on track. Meanwhile the rest of us will continue to pay our taxes and hope for a resolution.

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13th January 2025

Making your choice 

Through the family grapevine I have learned that one of my sons has something new in his family. No not the baby they’re waiting for, something a little easier to hold onto. He has bought what I believe is his first the SLR. Oh how I remember my first and my second. The first just stop working nothing, that could be fixed. And so after long reflection and counting my pennies I bought something new. Something better. Something that would be with me for the next half century. By the time I gave it up and send it off to be recycled even the film was no longer available to me. That’s how it worked. We had dreamt of something that used free media. Back then we had no idea what that could even be. And so like you do with any new toy I learned all the Inns and outs of the care and feeding of an expensive camera. I had to learn a lot and they had to spend a lot of time doing so. But in reflection I never left it out in the rain or by the side of a bed when I move from one room to another. Like any expensive toy I learned to take care of it. I did not go crazy. I bought very few carrying straps and very few fancy bags. I still have that bag if you’re asking. As for the straps, nope I didn’t use them then so there was no sense in hanging on to them. What my camera did teach me beyond being willing to keep an eye on the world around me is that if you treat your equipment properly it will be there when you need it. Over and over again. And of course I extended that principle to most other pieces of equipment that I spent too much money on. Yes there is still diving gear in the garage even though I will never take it underwater again. And my bicycles because there was more than one that went to newer homes. When we get started with technology we are usually unaware of the commitment that we are in baking in terms of time and money. But we will learn. My son did not call for advice which was a good move on his part. You have to make your choices and live with them. Again something that my camera taught me. And going forward I will probably never buy another camera or diving gear or bicycle but along the way I learned that what you choose is what you have to be happy with.

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12th January 2025

Forward your best view 

A sense of pride is also a virtue. If you are like me you want others to see the place where you make your home. Time and distance will keep others from my doorstep. However I have started to find a library of video coverage that covers time and distance. I can through my choices allow others to see places through my eyes. Or close enough. I have been forwarding video content two others in the hope of attracting them to a place. In my home. Today I found a video that showcases where I started going to the beach so many years ago, where I camped at every opportunity. There are some who have that rare skill of showing a place in its best light. And we can share those moments. Thanks to those who take the time to share images from my home. I will not list those places here because that is not how this works. But if you go looking you can find other places that you can then add to your view of the world. It does not always require a huge budget of time or money. And something as simple as a walk on the beach might be what someone else needs to make their day. Add in a dog and we are on our way to paradise. Seriously look beyond your own belly button. Share with others your happy place if at least virtually. Maybe they will take the time to stop by and create their own reels. Right now I have been told to prepare myself for a road trip. I am not ready but when I get there I will probably be very content. Adding something to my list of memories. And I have a lot of them.

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11th January 2025

Cards and work 

A recurring theme in the videos I watch about life in an RV is that there are people who voluntarily travel and work. Also, people who travel and play cards pe. I do neither. Does this mean that I am unsuited for a life on the highway? It could be. The playing cards thing has been a struggle for all of my life. One of my grandparents always needed a partner to play cards and since I was the oldest in the crowd I tended to be drafted. I found it to be monotonous and requiring too much attention two random numbers. As soon as I could give up cards I did. Probably why I never developed a taste for gambling. Also my take on life is that once you retire you have retired. That I would go down the highway while doing work for a boss was not on site just never caught my interest. Also supporting users in the computer world is difficult when you are Norse near them. Sorry Madam Secretary but I cannot see your screen or hear your complaints. Therefore work is not an option I keep wondering why you would refer to yourself as retired well going on with your career. Makes no sense to me. As I said perhaps I am unsuited for their lifestyle. Oh well guess I will have to find my own way to get through the day. A question. If you are writing a book is that considered to be writing? How about reading a book question or piling a book on a table with other books. Just checking. I wonder if there is someone who will pay me to watch video content. That could be interesting for my pocketbook. Not likely to happen. Most of these things tend to be transactional. Somebody wants something in return for money. Outside winter is still here. Not in a big way. Much warmer than when I was a child. Does flurries seem to be pretty. Not a hazard.

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10th January 2025

Behind the curtain 

For those of you who are familiar with OZ, either the movie or the book, you have learned that the best stuff in life is probably behind the curtain. My own experience is that the best moments of any facility are found in the official tours. Be it a factory theatre or a park or whatever. I have had the chance to visit different places where things get done and I have others that I still want to visit. I would love to watch an RV being built from scratch. Still might. I would really like to see older radios being built or repaired. Still might. I would even appreciate learning how a bicycle is put together. Still might. Of course we can now find lots of video footage from different corporate enterprises. Like the one that built my house. Or the one that builds RV’s. The magic is not in the finished product but rather in the process. We can all imagine how something is designed and assembled but until you actually watch the process you will have to assume that you are missing crucial steps. Like the installation of steps. At this point in my life I would even settle for watching fish get cut. Just because. Or watch potatoes being processed into food. Remember that all of the process moments had to be created by someone before you got there. In real life there is very little magic. I will probably never see someone make a pair of pants but only because I have very little interest. However I would love to watch a tuba go from being an idea to something you can hold in two hands. Again still possible. In fact there are so many things to learn going forward. Right now I want to know how milk gets into a bag. If only because I just learned that the process has its roots here in Canada.

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9th January 2025

Mad rantings 

As an adult you learn not to say the things that you are thinking all the time. Some thoughts are best left silent. However we have a neighbour who has never learned that little rule. And so right now he is musing about invading three different nations to make their territory part of his Kingdom. Note that he is not technically a king nor is he the leader just yet. There are still a few days to run. It might be that potential leaders have often mused about invading other countries. Most of them learn not to say it much less do it. But here we are. When the history books are rewritten this might be one of those moments. It probably is nothing more then the rantings of a madman. I just wish he did not live next door. And as for those other nations that he has threatened to invade, I hope they know that they still have friends. And sometimes, friends will get involved to stop stupidity. It might be a long winter. Meanwhile the city of Los Angeles is on fire. One of the worst in their history. No matter how much you prepare for things like this, when the moment comes and everything goes out of control all you can do is wait for your friends to get involved. I have never been to Los Angeles although I have family living in the area and this will be one of those moments that I will probably never ask about. I think the memories are going to be overwhelming. Oddly people there assumed it would all come to an abrupt end due to an earthquake. Fires burning out of control may not have even been on the bingo card. But we shall see.

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8th January 2025

Weighing the results 

If you were to ask me what did I study at university I would have to pause and construct an answer that made sense. My actual time at university did not. In keeping with the traditions school I signed on for a full five years of study. In that time I was under the control of probably five different faculties. Not because I went from one to another on purpose but because I was driven to continue learning. In academic study you can find yourself in a corner with nothing in front of you except a wall. I went there over and over again. For those of you who need to know I moved from music to sociology to psychology to education with a year of general study in there somewheres. I managed to avoid the sciences while finding employment in the sciences. Not sure how that happened. What I did learn is that a lot of learning requires that you be motivated. Self-motivated. Ready to pull a book off the university stacks that would take you in a different direction from what you had been considering. And in retrospect it worked out wonderfully. My two degrees our in boxes downstairs. You do not tend to take them out and re-examine them for hidden gold or silver. They were marks in the sand and the sand does shift. Based on my example my own children avoided the near occasions of sin as they used to say. I figured they would have enjoyed the game but the debt at the end would have seemed like a faustian agreement. Again looking back the debt was very mild when compared to the results. I was able to live a great life with very little money. Since that is what we all seem to want I think I won my bet. The reason I ended up here today is because I watched someone else try to explain the benefits of study in disciplines you had not already considered. My life in a nutshell. And if someone asked me would I do it all again I think I would.

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