Beyond my doorstep
One of my preferred quotes from a movie would have to be that one that is spoken in a fever dream. Specifically there is no place like home. How true is that? I am not ready to cross any border soon. I am waiting for the dust to settle. Or snow. The people next door are crazy. Do your own research. I do listen to the news and I do read and I realized that for the next little while the dust is going to stay up and it is going to mask reality. Instead I prefer to simply look outside and watch the birds and the trees. Today the snow plow came. I am unsure of what actually triggers his visit. It is not like we have a lot of new snow. But I guess he knows better than me. If you leave it lie it will get hard to move. Call it seasonal icing. And until we move into warmer times. No reason to head off and explore new territory. I had a good year last year. By my calculations, we spent better than 35 days out there. Away from home. Depending upon regular refueling to keep the van heading along the road. And no we never ran out because we have a view of travel that is if you will conservative. No pushing our limits. Who knows? Next year might be completely different hello I somehow doubt that. I have only a short list of where I would like to go and what I would like to see. Most of it is within a day of my driveway. Not going to see the world with that sort of restriction. I guess I am now relying upon others. Waiting for visitors to bring me stories from beyond my home. Just like it was in the Middle Ages. As you can guess I am not likely to go to the airport and expand my travel. Never developped that expensive habit. What about you? Are you someone who is apt to travel just for the sake of it? What have you seen that I might find amazing?