11th January 2025

Cards and work 

A recurring theme in the videos I watch about life in an RV is that there are people who voluntarily travel and work. Also, people who travel and play cards pe. I do neither. Does this mean that I am unsuited for a life on the highway? It could be. The playing cards thing has been a struggle for all of my life. One of my grandparents always needed a partner to play cards and since I was the oldest in the crowd I tended to be drafted. I found it to be monotonous and requiring too much attention two random numbers. As soon as I could give up cards I did. Probably why I never developed a taste for gambling. Also my take on life is that once you retire you have retired. That I would go down the highway while doing work for a boss was not on site just never caught my interest. Also supporting users in the computer world is difficult when you are Norse near them. Sorry Madam Secretary but I cannot see your screen or hear your complaints. Therefore work is not an option I keep wondering why you would refer to yourself as retired well going on with your career. Makes no sense to me. As I said perhaps I am unsuited for their lifestyle. Oh well guess I will have to find my own way to get through the day. A question. If you are writing a book is that considered to be writing? How about reading a book question or piling a book on a table with other books. Just checking. I wonder if there is someone who will pay me to watch video content. That could be interesting for my pocketbook. Not likely to happen. Most of these things tend to be transactional. Somebody wants something in return for money. Outside winter is still here. Not in a big way. Much warmer than when I was a child. Does flurries seem to be pretty. Not a hazard.

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