The intention to change the government
This morning I listened to a press conference. Impart so that you would not have to but I digress. Our current Prime Minister announced his decision to resign. Or rather his intention. This will not be an immediate thing because he also added that he will not have this happen until a new leader has been chosen. For all of those on the other side of the aisle waiting for their chance to take power this just tells us that the process will take months. By my calculation all the snow will be gone and we will probably be through mud season. The slinging of mud in the eventual campaign is just a distraction. We have a rather convoluted process in changing governments. Our elections are on fixed dates sort of. The choice of the voter for a new party does not change the leader sort of. We rely upon the intelligence of the party members to give us the answer to our questions period. But back to the prime minister. This is not a surprise. The country has known for months that like bad cheese the government smelled period. By the time all is done we will have had the chance to change the advisors to our country. The real hands on the steering wheel will still be in place. So why the fuss? Well it all comes down to a belief that the government runs something. If we reflect on 200 years of parliamentary presence that is countable. I have noticed that some people come from a long line of politicians father to son to grandson if you will. I have also noticed that governments rarely do something that is completely uncalculated. We have not had a war in my lifetime. And the eventual crash that all the opposition warns of our monetary system has not happened although one of the new guys thanks a Bitcoin might be an answer to something. So like most other people I will prepare some more popcorn and sit back and wait. The popcorn might be rather stale by the time things are over but that is a risk. Closer to home our car is in the garage for replacement of an important cable. The garage has no idea of the timeline but we’re getting a rental in the interim. Not something we have done very often and because we live in Canada the big question is whether or not the automobile will have winter tires.
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