We are all kranky
Our house is morphing into a polyglot palace. English, French, Portuguese, Irish, several canine dialects, cough. Yes, indeed. One time for alive, and two or more times for positive that I have the Covid. There are also a growing collection of the test swab decoders on the counter. Today, someone brought a tray of freshly baked sweets, which is an assurance that we are ill, and we are . Next step will be awake at irregular intervals, seeing headache tables from bottles that I could not decode. Another possible symptom of my C-19 status is a reduced appetite. Like many things, it involved the dog. He refused his share of my breakfast. Then, at supper, I refused my share of the lasagna. Rarely seen. We do have overflow space in the fridge, What did people do before Mr. Frigidaire? Portion control, I suspect. No matter. Maybe to family dog took care of plate cleaning.
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