We are all kranky
Our house is morphing into a polyglot palace. English, French, Portuguese, Irish, several canine dialects, cough. Yes, indeed. One time for alive, and two or more times for positive that I have the Covid. There are also a growing collection of the test swab decoders on the counter. Today, someone brought a tray of freshly baked sweets, which is an assurance that we are ill, and we are . Next step will be awake at irregular intervals, seeing headache tables from bottles that I could not decode. Another possible symptom of my C-19 status is a reduced appetite. Like many things, it involved the dog. He refused his share of my breakfast. Then, at supper, I refused my share of the lasagna. Rarely seen. We do have overflow space in the fridge, What did people do before Mr. Frigidaire? Portion control, I suspect. No matter. Maybe to family dog took care of plate cleaning.
I intend to go to sleep, soon. Nothing here that requires your attention. Word will spread that we have illness abounding, so we should’nt need to answer the door between now and tomorrow. Even with that triple chime dog alarm, I can dive under a pillow and feign hearing loss. Blame it on the pandemic. If overfilling the dog bowls, we should be good. As for me,my appetite is reduced, until further notice. All is good. I was able to identify my visitor by the dog’svname.
I still need to relearn how to count words, in Word. Funny how that little life skill has slipped away.