30th January 2016

A move from luxury to welcome

posted in media, Wx |

This morning marked the first “real” snowfall since the start of the season. When that snowblowing behemoth turned into the driveway, somewhere before coffee time, the contracted service moved from luxury to downright welcome. If I’d had to face clearing a path with my trusted manual shovel, I might not have had the same sense of seasonal pleasure.

Of course, there’s still snow to move around, but that can wait for another day. I did choose to take a few photos; here’s one from the front door.


We spent the day watching the various species of birds that use our feeder as their market. The game seems to be hiding behind the great white curtains, with regular trips out to cadge loads of sunflower seeds. We’ve decided that the entertainment value outweighs the cost of an occasional sack of prairie produce.

This evening, something different for the family. In concert with a neighbour, son #3 did duty as a guardian, while the parent class headed off to a comedy show at the local rec centre. For us, a little outside the “comfort zone” in terms of activity, but it was a chance to see and be seen, while we listened to several hours of jokes and anecdotes.

Let me point out one problem with getting older: there aren’t many new jokes out there. Society has set taboos and tickle spots, and the role of the onstage personality was to remind us of a few of them. The punchlines were familiar… I guess that’s why my own jokes seem so funny, the first time around.


This entry was posted on Saturday, January 30th, 2016 at 22:45 and is filed under media, Wx. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 260 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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