The flag will bring victory
I am not a vexillologist. Therefore my impressions are probably erroneous, but based on observation, feudal times have returned. What else could explain the sudden blossom (think algal) of flags attached to the side windows of cars driven (fast) by young men wearing baseball caps (often twisted to one side)? They’re probably supporting knights who plan to go into battle.
In fact, these are technically pages, right? The coat of arms seems to be a large C with a H encrusted, on a field of red. Wait, bulletin just in; this is the symbol of a hockey team, and the battle is called the Quest for the Stanley Cup. The quest has been going on for years, apparently, and these knights are sometimes victorious, only to have the Grail Cup disappear one year later. Mythological.
To see their faces, these pages believe that their support will bring victory. Only time will tell, but it doesn’t really matter. They have something to believe in.
I’ve found another, more personal, symbol to believe in: this evening I saw a robin (Turdus migratorius) on our front “lawn”. The snow has been melted for just over two days and the bird found the way back from Florida. Spring, glorious spring. No matter that the beast is simply a worm-tugger, that will be around for months to come. Just the fact that the robin has returned confirms that we’ve changed seasons. I’d better find my shorts and sandals, because that’s next…
One of the local TV networks has announced that they are ceasing their collection of news. Henceforth, they will only show movies and sporting matches. Sounds rather money-grubbing to me, but TQS still thinks of itself as a “real” network. I hope the CRTC slaps them silly!
In the world of American Idol, tonight showed that talent doesn’t matter and citizenship does. The Irish Maid leaves, in spite of the quality of her performance. I’ll be watching for future work from Carly Hennessey Smithson, because she stands above the others. From here on, the competition is all downhill.