The house is radio active
A restless night? No big deal. You’re awake, and the doorbell will ring. And the dog will bark. And you’ll put on your welcome face and get on with the task at hand. A visit from your insurance agent? With a reduction in costs? Told you it was worth staying awake for just a bit longer.
Reality. No going back to bed. There are other things on the “to do” list. Those odd connectors that you ordered a couple of weeks back and that actually did come on a slow boat from China? They’re here. Time to find the black gooey roll of sealant, and get some coax laid across the lawn. Trenching it in can wait for warmer weather (tomorrow?). Based on your short test, the antenna is now ready to connect you to the rest of the world. Hurrah!
Once I’d sealed around the coax where it passed through the wall of the house, I could accept that the house is finally radio active. Yes, that space is important.
Had an old friend drop in, around dark. A chance to discuss the latest lunacy in educational administration. Is there something in the political mindset that makes simple things into more difficult. This whole austerity trip is so wrong! I mean, it’s not my direct responsibility, but I still have an interest in the field of education. It really does last for a lifetime.
I’ve started checking out the world of modern bike components. The parts still do the same job, but the names have changed. Makes any shopping into something much more challenging.