Two trucks with fixes
Seems that my getting connected frustrations have caught the virtual ear of the firm concerned. I’d love to say concerned firm, but that is a very different thing. Anyhow, I decided to let the “social media” monitor know my side of the story, and there’s a hint that, maybe, someone on the inside will try to move the hands of their clock. We’ll see.
A busy time here, today. Two services trucks in the driveway at the same time. The plumber came to install a “set tub”, which he did in a very satisfactory manner. He also tackled the non-functional whirlpool, and through logic and experience, determined the problem almost immediately. The person responsible for “plugging in the pump motor”, back in the factory, didn’t. I’m glad that the solution was simple AND cost effective for all concerned.
The sat dish installer also got things done, and made the whole procedure look very simple. I’ll not try to blame the channel selection on him…
While delivering a backup battery to son #3 (out aiding a drone survey), we decided to swing by the museum parking lot, in hopes of spotting the three fox kits seen yesterday. Actually went much better than expected, as we spotted five kits and the vixen, all out enjoying some supper hour sunshine. Next move; bring cameras!
We had another visitor at dusk, and spent the evening discussing possible education tangents for the youngest in the room. No consensus reached, but the conversation showed that the depth of knowledge in our group might be an effective aid.