When the bank officer asked what the SWIFT code might be for our transaction, and if we would be working in Canadian currency, I knew we had wandered into uncharted territory.
All I wanted was make a straightforward fund deposit to my bank in another province. Perhaps we were dealing with someone who was geographically challenged? The Island isn’t foreign soil, and definitely not the kind of island where you go to hide extra cash. Spend it, maybe…
Finally, logic prevailed, and when the official took the time to consult with a colleague, and learned that there was a branch of our target firm just up the street, beside the Starbucks, things worked out. A magical piece of paper (what I’ve always called a bank draft) was printed out, and we drove over (close to closing time). At the other end of our conduit, things were straightforward; a deposit, as simple as could be.
And with that, the monies for the new house were piled into a virtual cookie jar. I guess that means I now hold dual citizenship (provincially), along with dual tax bills and dual other costs. It will work out.
Another election to watch, later. The folks in AB may or may not swap out their party of power. This time around, my interest is “idle curiosity”. Always fun to see how folks choose to punish themselves.
So, what else is new in the world? I missed the evening news, and that leaves me without compass. Or as they say on the Island, Compass.