Can you “nan” in a pan?
I shall not complain about how much snow fell. After seeing the reports from Buffalo, where better than 2 meters has fallen in 3 days, I know when someone else owns the bragging rights. Pity the poor dog that tries to find a place to play (or spray). Pity the people who own a shovel and not much else.
On TV, someone with a “new and improved” DJ setup. Haven’t needed one until now, so “I’m out”.
We ordered pizza, online, this evening. Went really well, considering the clients. I mean, calling and ordering a “large all dress” by phone is a proven system. Clicking on a web screen menu, not so much. The delivery guy still had to contend with a barking dog and making change.
I also learned how to make Indian butter chicken. However, that special oven is beyond my ken. Can you “nan” in a frying pan?
And for the first time (and perhaps the last), I negotiated a new electrical account for a new home. By phone. Without a civic address (I really hope that comes through, soon). No need to jump through hoops; sending money was enough. The utility companies are accustomed to this sort of thing, and the actual “connect this wire to that wire” will be the responsibility of a licensed electrician. Again, I am just the money behind the installation. Getting a pole in is really the mark of a new home; often the first sign, although this time around the foundation is already done. The juice is supposed to be “buried”, which means that random digging for dew worms will not happen.