17th November 2014

Come, paint my bridge

posted in Wx |

Just like every other time: the first real snowfall of the year sends local drivers into a tailspin. You know folks, that provincial law requiring snow tires to be installed before mid-December is designed to keep you safe until global warming is completely irreversible. Yes, my tires are on. Yea, I’m a little smug about that.

At our house, we had other priorities. With a bridge cam on the TV, we waited… And I can tell you that a lot of other unimportant trucks crossed over during the day. And cars. No boats. It would have been cool to see a house-half or two. Definitely: two. Instead, we can confirm that darkness follows daylight, even on the bridge.

Newest idea; the eventual purchase of a light fixture to replace the one over the dining room table. Sentimental reasons. Oh, and a nifty periscopic dryer vent, and a sediment filter. Actually, this is a way to foster retail restraint. Let’s see if I can delay any acquisitions until after I actually see what I need. OK, the light fixture should be replaced ASAP, but there’s no need to get all upscale and fancy about the choice.

The current dialogue between the railroad and the mayor is hopeless. As in hopelessly funny. One wants the other to paint a bridge. The other says that giving the bridge away is an option. Somehow, I don’t see anyone spilling paint, any time soon.

And now, back to regular programming. That’s where I wait for something more appealing than (yet) another crime drama.

This entry was posted on Monday, November 17th, 2014 at 19:53 and is filed under Wx. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 256 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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