4th April 2014

On sale: Greek yogurt vanilla ice cream

posted in computing, humour |

Maybe it had been a particularly long afternoon. Or the weather was “edgy”. Not sure. When the recipe emerged from the printer in the Ivory Tower, things degraded. Quickly. My phone rang and “inquiring minds wanted to know”. Who sent the anonymous print job? For the record, we may never know.

The printer (low end of the office spectrum) doesn’t keep log files. Neither does the print server; in fact, I’m not sure what that service is actually responsible for. I now have an investigative mandate. Find out who likes what food (or something like that). There are a lot of machines on our network, and a lot of users. I can either play it out until I retire, or hand the job off to someone else (with nothing else to do.)

But the week finally ended, and I went home. Supper was inventive; taco flavoured pork over steamed noodles with Chinese vegetables. I did warn you. And with that out of the way, it was time to go for groceries. Or, at least, a replacement for the terrible Greek yogurt vanilla ice cream I purchased last week. Didn’t read the second label. Justice doe prevail, and there’s a sale on that exact same product this week. Go figure.

Now, why does a grocery store drop to two checkouts on Friday evening? Are there really that many hungry people out and about in mid-morning, to give reason to the staffing policy in place? After far too long in line, me and my bags and boxes left, under cover of darkness.

At least the unknown candidate from the unknown political party had moved on to more interested pastures.


This entry was posted on Friday, April 4th, 2014 at 20:33 and is filed under computing, humour. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 273 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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