Awaiting a retail solution
Used to be, I wondered why a 24-hour grocery store would be a good idea. Never had an urge to stock up on canned goods at 3 a.m.; by extension, neither did anyone else. And then, this morning, unable to provide coffee to others due to a shortage of dairy products (cheese doesn’t count as a substitute), I found myself sitting in the parking lot, in a howling rainstorm, waiting for the doors to open (under their own power, given the winds). Too early by twenty minutes, and too stubborn to go to another store. At least I had radio, although CBC early is still CBC.
That trip done, the rest of the day offered little more. A trip to the box store to purchase pens and label tape is not a big day in the shops. A taxi tour to get the borrowed dog (as charming a passenger as she might be, barking at perfect strangers in other cars) was just a punctuation mark. I did watch, for the Nth time, The 40 Year Old Virgin, and I did find new things to giggle over. Mainly, the thought of Ms Keener spending a summer near the shore; my shore. Not her usual fare.
Son #2 stopped by, for a visit that ranks with “shortest on record, in the competing class”. And the rest of us waited to see what the evening would spawn.
In passing, I checked out the new covers that are available for my new ereader, and I didn’t buy into the solution. A cheap plastic wraparound is what I make at home, not what I buy for real money.