Scheduled bus catching and chaotic storage
On TV, a documentary on how race cars are built. That should be useful.
Went over to pick up our spare dog, this evening. She’s very noisy when someone comes to the door. Is this an offense or defense strategy, when a dog is all alone? Similar to the “greeting” reserved for newspaper delivery at dawn, by our main dog. Doesn’t change anything; the paper still gets delivered, rain or shine.
How does son #3 calculate the amount of time required to get to the bus stop? We leave the house, by car, in a mad sprint to make it before the scheduled passage. We get there, weekend after weekend, with under a minute to spare. If I set the clocks “off sync”, it would be better, right? Not so much. His computer fell out of contact the the timeserver (Windows isn’t bulletproof), and he ended up running four minutes late. We had to follow the bus along until it turned, and then drive into the city centre, several weekends ago.
Listening to CBC radio this afternoon, and heard about a new collection of short stories out of PEI. Of course, I want to read them. Of course, I’ll go on Amazon seeking same. Of course, this flies in the face of logic, where you want your local artis to sell locally.
Actually, a recent article discussing the chaotic storage used in the big bookseller’s warehouses left me fascinated. How did someone dream that strategy up? And then it came, as if in a dream: the simple observation of a teenager’s bedroom.