Down where the darkness and the heat mask treasure
Instead of changing my laptop, I’ve changed the drive. One of them, anyways. I found that there just wasn’t enough space available in my configuration. Funny how that works.
In an ideal world, I’d be one of those “cloud based” fanatics, with everything I collected (in terms of data) stored in someone else’s basement, err… rackspace. Unfortunately, my ISP puts a premium on bandwidth use. The more I transfer, the more I pay. And with going rates, per billing period, the reality is simple. Keep the junk local.
My laptop has two drives (when I bought the machine, several years back, it qualified as a “beast”). 300 GB of capacity, and almost always full. But the world changes, and the cost of hard drives continues to fall (exception for flooding in the factories noted). This time around, a 1 TB drive was available in a local box store for $125. Almost exactly the amount of cash I had available for impulse purchases. A run for dog food and muffins was simple extended.
And now the drive is installed, the files have been transferred from the old drive and all I have left to do is update some software. My photo storage package, among others. An opportunity to index 5000 assorted images. Not today. I’ve gone through this image index process, a couple of times before. Boring.
Watched a documentary on life in a gold mine. Forget the glamour. 3 km down, in a world where the ambient temperature is stuck at 30C and the real colour of the day is stone grey. Where the action involves dodging falling boulders. Where you may find the gold, but there’s no way you’ll be allowed to keep any of it.