Same old demands
In the continuing saga of state vs students (local to my jurisdiction), the government has offered up a “new and improved” version of their offer dealing with a hike in tuition. In rebuttal, the accredited (more on that later) student groups have offered “a tuition freeze”. I guess not everyone watches soap advertisements on TV. The student version has a “tried and true / been there and done that” flavour about it.
Mind, this only involved two out of the three student organizations. The third has held firm, wanting nothing more or less than “a tuition freeze”. I guess accreditation is highly over-rated.
But who cares? In the ROC, the headline that caught our eye today is that the Baron of Crossharbour has been given a special “get out of jail” pass that will allow him to come to Canada. According to common wisdom, convicted criminals aren’t welcome. However, if you have enough money, the rules change. Kind of like when you played Monopoly with that cousin. The one who had house rules for every game. The house where you didn’t want to visit, but you were forced by your parents. Oh, never mind!
In passing, I still don’t understand the distinction between Baron and Lord. Don’t now, probably never will, in spite of Wiki.
The POTUS (go ahead, look it up) is on TV, right now. From Afghanistan. And his backdrop is a picture of some military vehicles. Come on, I know you guys still have stuff over there. Don’t pretend. Mind, he says his troops will be coming home. Stevie, are you listening?