1st January 2012

Keep the home lights burning

posted in environment |

Feel the warmth. Your “old school” light bulbs are safe. The rule that should have removed incandescent bulbs from your local shelf stocks has been turned off, so to speak. For at least another couple of years. The Harper government (God bless ’em, because nobody else will) has stepped back to consider the question.

Imagine; a policy that would have reduced (albeit fractionally) the demand for electricity. In a world where big energy and big government keep each other warm at night, we can endure the added cost of a few more kilojoules. Some mumbo-jumbo about a lack of recycling facilities for CFLs (nothing to do with our football league). Methinks that in the mentality of the current ruler, what was good enough for grandpa is good enough for the rest of us. And that includes bulbs that produce more heat than light.

We slept in late today. Mid afternoon before the first cup of coffee of the new year was drawn. Even the dog (borrowed) joined into our snorefest. Call this our celebration of the future. No need to arise; the TV wasn’t offering anything of note. No need to bake a bird (we have enough leftovers to get us through the quiet time). No need to go out and shovel, or shop. Peace reigned.

Instead, the afternoon was spent watching Jonah Hex. A good movie version of a comic book. Great lighting. A fair storyline. A realization that Megan Fox isn’t likely to win an Oscar any time soon.

And now back to our regular lives. No, the holidays aren’t over, but there’s just one week to practice getting up before daylight for the usual routine.


This entry was posted on Sunday, January 1st, 2012 at 19:01 and is filed under environment. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 274 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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