29th September 2011

More tablets on the horizon

posted in computing |

I’m sharing the room with an iPad2, trying to make head or tail out of the ongoing tablet wars. No, the ‘Pad isn’t mine; I rarely get to touch it. After all, that’s about all you can do with it. Go ahead. Try typing your blog post sometime, for a moment of slow.

Now, HP has abandoned the goal at their end, and we’re not sure about the RIM folks. This is a non-traditional arena, with multiple goals and teams all playing off for something as yet unstated. Global domination? Today, the Amazon squad announced yet another iteration of the Kindle.

Do I need a colour, multi-touch screen to read the latest bus book? Is access to the ‘net an issue for anyone else? One article in today’s technical press mentioned that the Fire (catchy moniker) will use Amazon’s cloud servers to preprocess web pages, and as a bycatch (fishery term) will then know everything that you see, instead of most. Good plan!

Whatever happened to the concept of computing being for a reason other than selling content. iPad, Playbook, Fire; all of them tied into the sales channel. Forget the simple pleasure of my netbook loaded with Linux Mint. And in passing, the touch screen is a novelty. You can only fingerpaint for so long before moving on to more mature tools. Pointy crayons, pointy pencils, pointy pens, keyboards. A natural progression.

I’m not planning to trade the Kobo in on something more colourful. eBooks are meant to be read, not admired as works of art. Or traced.


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