28th September 2011

Just before I go to sleep

posted in humour |

Perhaps a change of time would help. I’ve reflected on my mindset, as presented here, and think that the general tone might be related to my need (imminent) for sleep.

What if I were to try posting early in the morning? Reasonably rested, with just enough coffee inside to give my caffeine jones a needed twist of the wrist. If I were to open the editing page before a day in the outside world, would my “style” gain or suffer? Hmm. Let’s be realistic; at 05h55, I’m pretty much on autopilot. I remember to drop the robe before getting into the wet area, and my glasses are close at hand. The coffee machine pretty much runs itself, after I prepare the cup and grounds. I’ve been able to find the newspaper in the same place for over a quarter of a century (not always the same time, but why quibble).

No ill feelings towards the lazier segment of my workaday world. No deepseated stress from dodging the terrible drivers (who seem to be on autopilot all the time). I might even have a smile to offer those looking in.

Not likely; I’m not a smiley person, morning or night. The tunes in my head do change, but not enough for you to notice (I avoid public outbursts of song, unless I’m stranded in the bus shelter for more than fifteen minutes at a go).

I think I’m going to stay with the status quo. By the time the TV shifts to prime programming (another case of autopilot), I need this short moment to compose my spirit. Almost like a bedtime prayer.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 28th, 2011 at 19:49 and is filed under humour. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 267 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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