27th September 2011

No owe for now

posted in humour |

Based on the announcement that Quebec City will not be bidding on the 2022 Olympics, we can get on with our lives. The stress of not being sure, coupled with the anticipation of yet greater levels of civic debt had the locals on the edge of their chairs. Really.

Not having a mountain that was high enough (ain’t no mountain high enough, etc) wasn’t a concern for those in the circles of power. Rarified air.

I had done my own calculations, and if we had (the we is an inclusive gesture, nothing more) decided to go for the rings, I would have had to start an exercise program, now, to be in shape for the effort required to wave tiny flags and cheer for strangers from my retirement chair. I know, only a decade away… fine for you to say. I have plans to watch the games on what ever version of HD 3D surround sound TV is on offer.

Location, location, location. Polluted location. Is there something about hydrocarbons and heavy metals that draw municipal planners? This is not the first city to dream about building on the local brownfield (build it, and they will come, etc)

It’s true, there are new ways to rehabilitate soil with a sordid history. Unfortunately, extracting used oil is much more expensive than drilling for the crude stuff. And I have yet to see a gas station advertising “recycled gasoline, pump number 3”. Note to planners; burying the waste from the incinerator will come back to haunt you.

Hey, if selling “recy-gas” does become a reality, I want my royalty payment… in gold.


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