Inventive notepaper
My search for a pen and paper proved fruitless. I knew I’d never retain that twelve digit number until my arrival, so I did the next best thing. I etched it on the side of an available banana with a pointy object, stowed my data and climbed on the waiting bus.
Inventive? Perhaps. My explanation of “why I was filming my banana with the webcam”, not so much. There are times when I need to be more prepared. Things like carrying a pen and paper. I probably never will, though.
Today, I put on my student cloak, the time needed to learn a new skill. I now (having passed my test at lunchtime) am qualified to configure a VOIP telephone. Now I do have a well-rounded education in things modern.
The big bike race came through town today. I didn’t see the peleton, but I did have to go to an alternate bus stop this morning, due to route variation. I wonder if those intrepid riders realize how many other intrepid riders had to make exception so that they could roll through the streets of the Old City without delay? Why don’t we get yellow jerseys, or a chance to climb on a makeshift podium?
And after listening to a scientific lecture on the radio this evening, I have an explanation of why the basement keeps getting messier and messier. It has nothing to do with poor housekeeping and everything to do with the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Entropy. A word that gives me pause, because it excuses so much.