17th August 2011

Underselling the client

posted in food, travel |

The ladybugs are back. For those who care about such things, there are a good quantity in stock, and they are all “six pointers”.

Sometimes a good meal happens in spite of the restaurant, or its staff. We decided to try new “fishing grounds” this evening, given the fast fade on vacation status, and in this part of the province, we still hadn’t gone down to Georgetown, so…

Clamdiggers Beach House and Restaurant is contained in a reproduction of the old train station, down on the waterfront. No need to consult a map or the GPS; just drive around until you spot the sign. Lots of parking. A varied menu, somewhat upscale in pricing. We weren’t looking for a fishburger at MickyD, so that wasn’t an issue. And, as usual, we didn’t have reservations.

Our meal of steak and snow crab was excellent. Yes, I had to use the provided toolkit to get access  to the real meat, but there’s nothing wrong with a new experience or two. The sauce was worth the trip; something to do with wine and mushrooms, and far beyond my own abilities.

The next section is intended for the young lady that served our table. I felt like I was being downsold from the time you greeted us. Maybe something to do with our casual dress, or the length of our hair; if you were worried about the solvency of my tip, you could have requested a credit check.  The urgency to seat us either outside or in the smaller café section was noted, and the offer to serve one order for the two of us, unnecessary. For all you know, I made my first million before you were born. If you plan to stay in the restaurant sector of the economy, never underestimate your client.



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