16th August 2011

Let’s talk about windows and doors instead

posted in travel |

Finally. We’re ahead of the campground curve. That is, we could leave the others behind in the rain to do their washing, because our’s was done under sunshine. I know, odd.

We informed our neighbour that we were off to Charlottetown, “Capital of our world”, and headed down the road for real coffee. Oh, Smitty, we’re smitten. Early enough to enjoy the specials, late enough to avoid the morning rush. Follow that up with some bookstore time, because of its medicinal value, and then a pause in the action to let lunchtime pass.

Not long enough. Our visit to a local .com (actually .net) firm for information left us in the hands of the support personnel, since the sales personnel had opted for a rather long meal break. Little matter. We were sold on the product before we arrived; this was just to fill in the dance card.

The eventual handoff to the sales rep was anticlimactic. There are two vocabulary sets in use in most offices. Support speak and sales speak. No Venn diagram can contain the dichotomy. The sales rep did show some interest when we mentioned that there was a possibility of upscaling, from a class to a province, but that might be his regular expression. Given the need for the other official language, he pulled his trump card: a high school student that was also polyglot.

And with the real business of the day over, we moved on to a local hardware store. A need for a diamond bit to put tiny holes in sea glass, eventually. At least the salesman was also well-versed in windows and doors.



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