15th August 2011

From automobile to immobile

posted in travel |

As a corollary to the early bird and worm story, getting up and away from the campsite isn’t always successful. When you leave things too late, better to abandon the plan for an eventual rainy day and just stay near the picnic table. Or go for a walk on the beach. Forget going to town.

And that’s the take on today. The water was almost warm. The jellyfish were infrequent. The No Tresspassing sign on the cliff just west of the campground really didn’t mean very much. After all, between an uncut hayfield and a sandy beach, there is a difference.

I recognized the newest cabin for what it once was: a barber shop. Or in paraphrase, “So that’s where that went”. And no, it doesn’t explain why that SAR plane was circling this morning.

My wifi went missing, at one point, when someone arrived dragging an oversized aluminum trailer. Perfect replacement for a Faraday screen, when parked in front of the park office. Again, it was only a temporary aggravation. What could have been more serious was the leaving the car in AUX position for the afternoon. Come suppertime, the automobile had transmuted into an immobile. The young man in the park office served as our personal rescue party, when he dusted off his jumper cables and gave us the “boost” needed to head off for supper at Rick’s Fish and Chips.  A flawless choice, in passing.

Right now, we’re down to reserve levels in the fuel tank, so the first stop tomorrow morning will involve a worried trip to the nearest garage. Then, we’ll go to town, since rain is in the probs.


This entry was posted on Monday, August 15th, 2011 at 20:27 and is filed under travel. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 271 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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